Friday, September 20, 2013

Specifications & Limitations

The solution must be/do/have:

The device must be waterproof

The device must be user friendly

The device must be operated from the surface

The device must have a method to retrieve rings

The device must have a method to release rings into goal

The device must have moving parts

The device is limited to pvc, metal, plastics
The device is limited to operator ability
The device is limited to operator age of young adult
The device is limited to refraction from water
The device is limited to distance of four to five feet below surface
The device is limited to not being dragged via tether
The device is limited to the thickness and size of ring
The device is limited to size of the hull
The device is limited to 12-volt power source
The device is limited to a 10-amp max fuse
The device is limited to stock SeaPerch motors

Thursday, September 19, 2013


This video represents what I am going to have to accomplish during our challenge.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Works Cited

Works Cited
ARL Hosts SeaPerch challenge. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from          /e2/c/images/2011/07/20/213261/size0.jpg
AUVSI Foundation, The. (2012). The 2013 National SeaPerch Challenge. Retrieved March 30, 2013,   
Brain, Marshall. "How Hydraulic Machines Work." N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
Cleaning the Oil Spill.  [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from  http://www.consumerwarning
Deep Water Transfer.  [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from 
Duck Being Cleaned After Oil Spill. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from http://static.ddmcdn
First Underwater Robotics Program in AV. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from http://www.
Kids Building SeaPerch. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from
Learned Lessons at BP Oil Spill. [Photograph]. Retrieved   March 30, 2013, from http://www.earned-                 and.html.
Obstacle Course.  [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from
Otter. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from
SeaPerch Obstacle Course. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from
SeaPerch Team. [Photograph]. Retrieved March 30, 2013, from:                       newsid=91
Steven Smith Pulls ROV out of Water. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from http://www.washington            3342 67641.jpg.
Wet n' Wild with SeaPerch. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from            2010/10/ SeaPerch.jpg.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Background Information

SeaPerch is an innovative tool used to make underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles. SeaPerch is also used to teach skills used in everyday marine based jobs. These include building vessels, problem-solving, maneuvering, and reacting to new challenges. SeaPerch is a way for people to understand how today's scientists are exploring and working in the unseen depths of the ocean.

Real life application

Underwater obstacle course

SeaPerch incorporates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) into the program. This is a way for students to become experienced in these fields and have a basic knowledge of what they might want to do in the future. 

The SeaPerch challenge will be held at the Neptune Aquatic Center in Neptune, NJ sometime around June. At the competition, an obstacle course will be in place for the ROV to maneuver around. The arm attached to the ROV will need to pick up plastic rings from one place, then put them onto another.

Neptune Aquatic Center 1
Neptune Aquatic Center 2

SeaPerch can be used as a basic understanding of building an underwater robot. Underwater robots can be used for many life applications. During the BP oil spill in 2010, underwater ROV were used to clean up the oil and put a cap on underwater mains. 

Neptune Aquatic Center 3

Neptune Aquatic Center 4


The SeaPerch challenge is directed towards high school students, but anyone could do the challenge. Building a SeaPerch robot can be a good experience for any individual starting out in an engineering career. These young adults building SeaPerch ROVs could one day grow up to be the engineers that build robots that cap underwater fuel lines more efficiently or robots that can complete a surgery to make tiny incisions.

Steve Smith pulls ROV out of water

Teacher working with student

Instructors could use SeaPerch as a way of teaching students about mechanics and how different parts work together. The design kit is inexpensive and comes with all required parts. Children would be able to learn more easily by having an example at their fingertips. This project could be a stepping stone into the world of robotics for many younger kids, and older ones too.
Being assigned SeaPerch kit

Teacher helping student with SeaPerch


The main reason that SeaPerch needs to be addressed is because not very many people know about the challenge. This project could help many students who have an interest in engineering get some experience.

Underwater obstacle course

SeaPerch Obstacle Course

The SeaPerch challenge consists of two different tasks that must be completed. The first is an obstacle course in which the vehicle must maneuver through 5- 22" diameter hoops. The other task is a ring transfer. The operators must retrieve small rings from racks and place them into a designated area some distance away.
Ring Obstacle course

Ring transfer

Stake holders involved in this product can range from people to animals. In order for SeaPerch to be successful, people need to actually buy and make the product. This is the starting point for most robotics. Students who make the SeaPerch ROV could go on to make more complex robots in future. Since SeaPerch can complete jobs such as cleaning up oil spills and helping remediate other situations, clean up crews where oil spills have happened would most likely use these robots.

Workers cleaning oil spill

Other individuals that could benefit from robotics such as SeaPerch could be animals that are effected by oil spills.

Design Brief

SeaPerch ROV Design Brief

Group: To design, construct, and test an underwater ROV that can complete the tasks of the SeaPerch Challenge in the designated pool between four and five feet below the surface so that two pilots can operate the device simultaneously during a timed event to score points.

Individual: To design, construct, and test a waterproof mechanical device for instillation on a ROV hull and later use for pilot to retrieve plastic rings from a stand four to five feet below the surface in the designated pool and release them into a milk crate six feet from the ring stand and one to five feet below the surface of the water during a timed event to score points.